Selasa, 08 Februari 2011

how to get music from (gmna cara dapetin musik lewat

udh nyoba lewat orbit downloader, idm ga bisa, udh make grabernya tetep ga bs, harus premium user,

akhirnya experimen dikit make sound recorder, agak repot sdikit sih,

yang gw pake tu audacity v1.3... (bisa make yg 3.9...) + download lame di,


nah skrng tinggal nge record musik di,

play apapun musik di sambil nge record pke audacity (timing start stopnya samaain sama lagu yg mo kita save)

stelah itu save lagu,

kalo baru pertamax make audacity, kita harus meng syncronize lame dgn audacity, bisa di baca caranya di bwh ini :

  1. Go to the LAME download page.
  2. Under "For Audacity on Windows", left-click the link "Lame v3.98.2 for Audacity on Windows.exe" and save the file anywhere on your computer. Do not right-click the link to the .exe file.
  3. Double-click "Lame_v3.98.2_for_Audacity_on_Windows.exe" to launch it (you can safely ignore any warnings that the "publisher could not be verified").
  4. Follow the "Setup" instructions to install LAME for Audacity. Do not change the offered destination location of "C:\Program Files\Lame for Audacity".
  5. The first time you use the "Export as MP3" command, Audacity will ask for the location of "lame_enc.dll". Navigate to "C:\Program Files\Lame for Audacity", select "lame_enc.dll", then click "Open" and "OK".
  6. If you prefer the Zip option for the LAME download, save the zip file to anywhere on your computer, extract "lame_enc.dll" to any location, then show Audacity where to find it as in Step 5 above.
  7. In case of difficulty, please view our more detailed instructions on the Audacity Wiki.

tutor from : my originale

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